Thermodynamic properties of muscle contraction models and associated discrete-time principles 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Physiology of muscle contraction In this chapter, we present a literature review of the experimental works targeting the actin-myosin interaction and its regulations with the aim of compiling the relevant infor-mation for the...

.A Manifesto in Favor of AppA Manifesto in Favor of Appalachia

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Appalachia in the 1920’s Like all his other novels, poetry and short stories, Serena is set in Appalachia. Rash considers himself as primarily an Appalachian writer even though he aspires to be recognized...

Assessing the Applicability of Mental Simulation

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Mental Simulation: a Common Framework Evidence of mental simulation has been studied in humans [Buckner and Carroll (2007); Decety and Grezes (2006)] where similar brain regions have been observed to become activated when...

Cramér type moderate deviation expansions for entries of products of random invertible matrices 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Classical results on precise large and moderate devia-tions In this section we briefly recall some classical results on precise large and moderate deviations for sums of i.i.d. real-valued random variables. Let (Xi)i>1 be...

Development and Characterisation of Fluoroalkyl functional siloxane (FAS) based hydrophobic coating on lignocellulosic natural coir fibers

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Optical emission spectroscopy Optical emission spectroscopy was used to characterise plasma in the empty discharge chamber and in the chamber containing fibers. Fibers were placed approximately 1 cm from the glass tube at...

Sonar echo tracking: the case of extended and impulsive targets 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Post-processing module: the NNIPDA-UKF filter This section presents the post-processing module, that is responsible with filtering multiple echoes (i.e targets) from the set of observations obtained by the pre-processor. We consider a number...

Sensibility studies on the influence of the mesh and the material choice of the loading bars on the numerical results 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Assessment on the methods to determine the fibre misalignment angle The above presented methods to determine the fibre misalignment angles are characterised by the fact that they involve complex techniques that are specified...

Robustness to Modulation Index Mismatch and Phase Noise for a binary CPM 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Coherent Detection of the CPM Signal Although the bandwidth of the CPM signal in (1.1) is infinite, strictly speaking, we assume hereafter that it can be limited to Ns=2T, Ns being a positive...

ASIP Design Methodology and State of the Art in Channel Decoder Design

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! »  Recursive Systematic Convolutional codes Convolutional codes have been widely used in applications such as space and satellite communications, cellular mobile, digital broadcasting, etc. Their popularity is due to their simple structure and easily...

Elicitation of criteria weights and discrimination thresholds . 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Decision-maker’s profiles and provided preferential information At first, we define the different decision-makers’ profiles that we may encounter. Then, we list the di fferent kinds of preferential information they can provide. Fi-nally, we...