An Emergency Depressurization System of A Hydrocracking Unit

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Reliability Analysis of Safety Systems Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) are crucial safety barriers for preventing hazardous accidents in industrial systems. These systems are composed of sensors (e.g. pressure sensors), logic solvers (e.g. programmable...

Prakken and Sartor’s dialogical model of legal reasoning

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Schema-based theories of analogical reasoning Brewer’s notion of analogical reasoning The basic idea of Brewer (1996) in his paper is that analogical reasoning is essentially a three-step process where each step is necessary...

Our Scientific Focus: Vision Servoing of a Pair of Robots in a Chain of Mini-ROVs

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Tethers and Deformable Objects Management This section focuses on existing strategies of tether management for underwater and mobile robots in general. Since the tether can also be seen as a deformable object, this...

Hydrolyzable polymer additive-based silicone elastomers

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Specific properties of the erodible biocidal coatings The physico-chemical properties of the water in which the coating is immersed are undeniably affecting the erosion process but in the following text the focus is...

Monitoring User Interactions to Support Bug Reproduction .

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » App Store Analysis The app store analysis area studies information regarding mobile apps mined from app stores. William et. al. [116] have identified seven key sub-fields of app store analysis: API analysis, feature...

Input-to-state stability and positivity of non-homogeneous heat equation

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Nonnegative continuous-time linear systems Input-to-state stability and positivity of non-homogeneous heat equation . Conditions on positivity of a second order system Table of contents : Table of Contents Notations General Introduction 1 Theoretical...

Local anodic oxidation of ferromagnetic metal films

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Local anodic oxidation of ferromagnetic metal films Introduction Despite a lot of work on LAO of different materials, oxidation of ferromagnetic metal films is still not studied enough. There are only few works...

Laser Ablation of Microparticles (LAM)

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Magnetostriction The one example of magnetostriction that is the most familiar whether it is known that it is due to magnetostriction or not, is the ubiquitous hum of transformers. The old fluorescent light...

Task-Based, Parallel and Distributed Dense Linear Algebra Applications

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Timeline of Task Based High Performance Computing HPC or High Performance Computing is a computer science field which consists in aggregating computing power in order to obtain higher performances than a regular desktop...

A Riemanian geometry for strongly connected hypernode graphs

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » The case of hypergraph Laplacians In this section, we propose to review the case of hypergraphs and show that the di erent hypergraph Laplacians that have been proposed in recent years are not...