Telco positioning in the CDN ecosystem 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Overview of the Content provisioning value chain The value chain of content provisioning is, in a simplified view, composed of three main families of players: content producers and providers (professionals, e.g. BBC [43],...

Developer productivity and spillovers in SourceForge projects 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Open Source as a Public Good Open source licenses are the building blocks for open source applications. They lay out the rules for modification and redistribution. The aim of open source licenses is...

Security Evaluation of the Three AES Architectures against SCA

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Protecting Cryptographic Implementations at the Component Level Designing robust crypto-processor can be started at the RTL level. Different implementations of components of a cryptographic algorithm can vary its robustness against SCA and FA....

Inverse scattering problem from locally perturbed periodic media 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Scattering problems for unbounded inhomogeneous layers  A volume integral method for solving the scattering problem  The spectral volumetric method for solving the direct scattering problem Table of contents : 1 Introduction  2 Scattering...

Adaptive Structured Noise Injection for shallow and deep neural networks 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Machine learning and bioinformatics In all areas of biological and medical research, the role of the computer has been dramatically enhanced in the last to decades. One particular area that can best reflect...

A solution to the MAD problem for grids

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Pull Mechanism and Late Binding Patterns Master-Slave was later referred to as Push Mechanism by contrast with Pull Mechanism where idle resources request tasks [SBP03]. Pull Mechanism makes allocation resilient to broken resources...

Towards large-scale multi-view stereo 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Overview of Multi-view stereo Multi-view stereo can be considered as the inverse process of taking photographs of a fixed scene. While a photograph is the map of the 3D scene into a 2D...

4.6 Methodology for Resource Allocation in Practical Interference Scenarios

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Evolution of Wireless Communication Systems The evolution of wireless communication systems is mainly driven by the introduction of new services and the availability of more advanced technologies. Over the last couple of decades, cellular...

Hausdorff rank of scattered orders in Graphn

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » The pushdown hierarchy The pushdown hierarchy — sometimes called the Caucal hierarchy — is a family of sets of graphs having a decidable monadic theory. It covers actually two families : one noted...

A variational Bayesian approach for restoring data corrupted with non-Gaussian noise 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Hierarchical Bayesian modeling In Bayesian inference, we often have more than one unknown variable to estimate. Prior distributions are assigned to these variables either through their joint distributions if the variables are supposed...