Fixed Parameter Tractability of Provenance Computation 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Tuple-Independent Databases As we already mentioned in the introduction, one way to work with uncertain data would be to explicitly represent all possible states of the data (called the possible worlds) and associate...

Experimental Analysis of DAG Task Scheduling 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Real-time Multiprocessor Systems The problem of scheduling real-time applications on multiprocessor systems is more complicated and challenging than real-time scheduling on uniprocessor systems. It is because there are more decisions to be taken...

kernel regression with shape constraints for vehicle trajectory reconstruction 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » History of reproducing kernels: A realm (still) divided From a mathematical standpoint, we can summarize the century-long history of kernels as a succession of theoretical breakthroughs and recessions due to the lack of...

Execution model for MATLAB 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Hardware performance counters Different approaches to performance analysis are based on pure measurements using for example hardware performance counters. These counters are special purpose registers on processors which collect information about program execution...

Dimension Reduction and Clustering with NMF-EM 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Sociological considerations It is pretty obvious that a high quality public transportation system allows citizens to minimize their use of personal motorized vehicles to travel across the city. Thus, [Litman, 2016] showed that...

Precise Unary Unbiased Black-box Complexity 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Fixed-Budget Analysis In this section, we compare the algorithms developed in this work with the classic RLS heuristic (which was the essentially best previous unary unbiased algorithm for Om) in the fixed-budget perspective,...

Preference and Mobility-aware Task Assignment Schemes

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Energy Consumption in Processing This energetic cost is due to the necessary power consumed by mobile phones processors (CPU) during the sensing task. In this context, one of Microsoft Research Projects, Little- Rock...

Dependence of primitive features on image resolution and size

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Image content retrieval and mining overview CBIR technology has been used in several applications, for example ngerprint identi- cation, biodiversity information systems, digital libraries, medicine, historical research, etc. The creation of CBIR systems...

Expression of the dynamics of the observer in the system coordinates

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Expression of the dynamics of the observer in the system coordinates Observers for permanent magnet synchronous motors with unkown parameters Quick review of existing normal forms and their observers    Table of contents...

Characterizing the Bijectivity of 3D Digitized Rotations 

Get Complete Project Material File(s) Now! » Set of Neighborhood Motion Maps From the above discussion, it is plain that a partition of the remainder range gi by C1(0) \ H depends on the rotation angle = arg(). In order...