Scandinavian Fast Fashion Brands and their marketing strategy

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Fashion Brand and Fashion Marketing Mix.

Brands often has clearly image or personality created by advertising, packaging, branding and another kind of marketing strategy, customers often choose the product because of its personality resemble to their own personality, or they might be wanted to have that personality( Solomon, Bamosy, & Askergaard, 1999). Consumers subscribe to the notion of brand personality, the fashion brands usually tributes some attributes of personality such as Levi’s jeans ‘s personalities are dependable, rugged, real, authentic, and American-western (Schiffman & Kanuk, 2007). The product attributes relate strongly with the brand image, the offering made by the company can be analysed in three level: core attributes ( three basic in fashion clothing is protection, modesty, and beautification); tangible attributes (the interpretation and the presentation of the design basics); and the intangible attributes (additional services such as credit facilities, delivery arrangement, money back guaranteed). The allurement of a product depends on its design, quality and price, the customer’s experience Of a product in terms of user satisfaction, and brand loyalty (Chan et al, 2009). Fashion marketing helps the product and the brand to be known by the potential customers. The fashion marketing concept attempts to embrace the positive aspect of high concerned design. The vast profits and output of the fashion industry come not from the designer collection seen on catwalk but from the items sold in the stores while the main function of fashion marketing is the design and the sale of the clothing to the majority of consumers (Easey,2009). Fashion marketing mix delivers all the aspect needed to persuade the targeted consumers to buy their products, marketing mix own by all the companies, either they consciously design it or not. The fashion marketing mix can be classified into 5 part: segment;product;price;distribution; and promotion. The promotion strategy to gain more customers including advertising, public relation, and visual merchandising (ibid). Visual merchandising plays important roles on attracting customers, the main component for the visual merchandising including window shop, lightning, temperature, colours, sounds and aromas (Pereira. ,2010) .
This marketing mix will be the framework to analyze the companies’ strategy to gain their customers. Besides of their clothing and acesories as their products, they also try to facilite the customers to co create the value after they buy the clothes, for example by providing fashion blogs on their official website and maybe by creating a platform for the customers to mix and match the clothes so the clothes have more value (Edvardsson &Enquist, 2009).

Market Segmentation and Targeted Marketing

Marketing segmentation is a part of marketing strategy, every fashion brands has their own segmentation, this segmentation can be seen from their pricing, design, advertising and etc. Marketing segmentation can be described as dividing a market with a distinct marketing mix (Schiffman & Kanuk, 2007). Marketing segmentation leads to targeted marketing strategy, which can be the guideline to produce and market new product. The targeted marketing steps (Solomon, 1996) are:”Defining the relevant market; Analyze the characteristic and needs of potential customers; Identifying bases for segmenting the market; Define and describe market segments; Analyzed competitor position; Evaluate market segments; Select market segments; Finalize the marketing mix.” Market segmentation is important for the marketing strategy, the company will be able to focus on one or several market that mostly profitable, the segmentation process should be following this: the needs are similar within the segment, important difference in the segment can be identified, segments large enough to be profitable, segments can be reached by suitable marketing mix, and the consumers will response with the profitable marketing mix (Solomon, Bamossy, and Askegaard, 1999). Marketing segmentation categories which will be discussed in this thesis including the geographic segmentation, demographic segmentation, physiological segmentation, socio cultural, use-related segmentation, and benefit segmentation (Schiffman & Kanuk, 2007).

Consumer Motivation and Arousal of the Motives

Motivation is highly dynamic assemble that is constantly changing, depends on the reaction of the life. The motivation drives by the needs and goals, so as the need drives will always ceases , never fully satisfied, when its satisfied, there is new higher needs emerge, and also the goal, when people achieve the goals, they start to set another goal (Schiffman & Kanuk, 2007). Motivation refers to the cause that people behave as they do and it occurs when the need is being aroused so the needs have to be satisfied or fulfilled (Solomon, Bamossy, and Askegaard, 1999). The marketing strategy aim is to find the needs of their targeted consumers and try to arouse the consumers to buy their product which assumed will satisfied the needs. To classify the needs of targeted consumers, a lot psychologist trying to define what needs can be generated from consumer’s life, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is one of the influential approach (which will be used in this thesis to determine the consumers), which is try to demonstrate the personal growth and the accomplishment of the consumers (see figure 2-2), physiological needs are the lowest needs, whereas the self actualization is the highest needs-where people dress up to show how they are (personality, level of success, etc) but some people also dress up to comfort themselves from the bad weather or from possible accident. Fast fashion brand’s marketing focusing on the self “actualization needs” consumer, where they tend to buy more often and they tend to be more compulsive. (Easey, 2009).

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Consumers Personality and Brand Personality

Targeted consumer has diversity and different personality; even though some people argue that personality constantly change in the different situations (Solomon, 1996) but marketers believe that when personality affects how people shop, personality traits had been considered to be useful for determine consumer’s personalities. Some of these personality traits will be interpreted for the questionnaire for this thesis: materialism (individuals who regards possessions as essentials to their identity), Vanities/Self images (individuals that use to express the individualism-uniqueness by creating a new self and maintaining the existing self). According to the Freudian theory, it’s believed that the consumers tend to see the consumption activity as the reflection and extension of the consumer’s own personality, for example the link between favourite food with the personality or the colours with the personality (which will be used for the personality analysis in this study, based on the Bernice Kanner’s Colour Survey-2005). Colour is the unconscious way for marketer to show their brand personality, it’s found out that the customers also associate the personality factors with specific colour (Schiffman & Kanuk, 2007). Brand’s personality is how consumers see the brand in personality-like or characteristic, which is a result of Brand personification by the marketers (recasting the consumer perception of the brand or products attributes into a human-like character) (ibid).

Consumer Perception

Perception is a process whereby the consumers choose-organize-and interpret stimulus into a coherent images. For a fashion consumer, stimulus can be presented in a busy fashion store or when they read the fashion magazine and fashion blogs (Easey,2009). Companies are trying to make stimulus for their consumers, some of the efforts can be a sensational stimulus which can be captured by the sensory receptors, or the absolute threshold strategy which the marketers try to stimulate the consumers by constantly make the stimulus or suddenly make the stimulus, or the Just Noticeable Threshold which was developed by Ernest Weber . The Just Noticeable Threshold is stimuli when a company try to make customers unrealized the small negative changes (reduced volume-high price) and realize the small changes as big deal (Schiffman & Kanuk, 2007). The perception of the brands will be one of variable we stressed on this study and questionnaire, as the perception play a big deal on the consumer’s behaviour.

Consumer Behaviour

Consumer behaviour studies the processes individual purchase, use and disposes product or experience. Consumers are the actor that decides in the marketplace stage. (Solomon,1996). The process of consumer decision making for purchase the product is one of the most important part of the consumer behaviour, it can be divided into 3 stages input stage, process stage, and output stage (Schiffman&Sanuk, 2007). The input are firm’s marketing efforts and the sociocultuural environment, for example like how the product been made and how the promotion reach the customers. The companies compete with each other to reach the customers and make them decide to purchase their product. More explanation can be seen on the table below:


This study will be descriptive research which purpose is to” provide an accurate description of the variable “(Easey,2009), undertaken to describe the characteristic of the variables of interest in the situation”(Sekaran and Bougie, 2010). This study will go through the fashion marketing’s variables that lead the customer to the profitable behaviour towards the company and comparing with the company strategy in the end we will see which of the marketing strategy is most successful or suitable for their customers. The data will be presented on a brief description about how the Swedish fashion consumers are.
According to (Sekaran and Bougie, 2010) “When the researcher is interested in delineating the cause of a problem” , this study is fundamentally try to solve the problem by comparing the variables. The figure 3-1 present what variables will be analyzed within the study.

Table of contents :

1. Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Problem and Purpose
1.2 Research Questions
2. Theoretical Framework
2.1 What is fashion?
2.2 Fashion Brand and Fashion Marketing Mix.
2.3 Market Segmentation and Targeted Marketing
2.4 Consumer Motivation and Arousal of the Motives
2.5 Consumers Personality and Brand Personality
2.6 Consumer Perception
2.7 Consumer Behaviour
3. 3 Methodology
3.1 Data collection method and Data analysis
3.2 Limitation
4. Scandinavian Fast Fashion Brands and their marketing strategy
4.1 H&M
4.1.2 Product
4.1.3 Price
4.1.4 Distribution
4.1.5 Promotion
4.2 Kappahl
4.2.1 Segment
4.2.3 Price
4.2.4 Distribution
4.2.5 Promotion
4.3 Jack and Jones
4.3.1 Segment
4.3.2 Product
4.3.3 Price
4.3.4 Distribution
4.3.5 Promotion
4.4 Dressman
4.4.1 Segment
4.4.2 Product
4.4.3 Price
4.4.4 Distribution
4.4.5 Promotion
4.7.1 Segment
4.7.2 Product
4.7.3 Price
4.7.4 Distribution
4.7.5 Promotion
4.8 Brands’s strategies Comparison
4.8.1 Segmentation Comparison
4.8.2 Product Comparison
4.8.3 Price Comparison
4.8.4 Promotion comparison
5. Consumer Analysis
5.1 Segment and Sociocultural environment
5.2 Motivation
5.3 Customer Personality
5.3.1 Matrelialism
5.3.2 Vanity
5.3.3 Vanity Analysis
5.4 Perception of the customer
5.5 Customer behaviour
6. Conclusion
References .


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