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Understanding Brand Valves

Whenever it comes to design a product for a specific company the First method that applies is to understand the brand Values .The brand values of IKEA are different from the IKEA values .The brand values express what the IKEA Brand stand for from customer point of view.
Some of IKEA Brand Values express from “A manual from IKEA systems B.V 2007 “are summarized as under:
“Functional – no fancy Clear – not complicated Honest – not fake Fun – not dull Smart and thrifty – not extravagant Surprising – not expected Warm and human – not cold and distant Inexpensive – not expensive Rebellious – not conformist For the many – not for the few Swedish – and not from anywhere “


According to design council the brainstorming can be explained as Brainstorming is a method to create different ideas; it can be solving a problem or creating something totally new. Brainstorming mostly starts with different ideas which become better and better after some time. The brainstorming can be noted down in different ways either in the form of some notes or some doodles or sketches.
It’s a go on process in which different ideas are created , the ideas don’t need to be perfect they help to think outside the box, extending the imagination and seeing the problems in different prospective. There are no rules of brainstorming every idea is welcome and not criticized is allowed.
Brainstorming is mostly done in relax way having refreshments and biscuits is a good and relaxing way for brainstorming. The expectation of brainstorming includes Ideas, Concept sketches, doodles or thumbnail sketches. [27][28]

Idea Tree

Idea tree is a structured way of generating different ideas. Idea tree helps to create flow of ideas connecting with each other in form of continuous branch. To start creating idea tree, write down the subject and then start connecting ideas that are connected with the subject. This process continuous till there is no longer any idea related with the subject. Different colors can be used in the process of creating idea tree. Idea tree helps to understand the complexity of things linked with the subject.

Combine unlikely ideas

From Latin work “cogitate” means “to mix together” .Taking two or more than two ideas and then combining them together .Combing ideas help to generated new ideas which give unexpected and surprising results. Combining unlikely ideas also help to utilize ideas which are independent and are not useful unless they are combined with some other idea.

Scribble-Say-Slap Brainstorming

This method is performed with the help of group people. Scribble –Say-Slap method helps to see the problem with different people perspective. In this method people generated different ideas related to the problems and write them on a sticky notes and stick on the wall or board by saying them loud. This helps other persons to give more visions and they create more ideas in response. All ideas are welcome in the process .There are not specific rules in this method everyone is welcomed to generated as much ideas possible.
After all ideas are put on the wall or board .They ideas are grouped together .This help to combine all ideas in different small groups. Ideas which don’t fall in the group are treated independently. Voting of different ideas can also be done in this method.
Stationery things required in the process are marker pens, sticky notes (lots of them), flipcharts and a whiteboard or a large sheet of paper.

Function Analysis

Functional analysis is a kind of technique which helps to understand the functions of the product in more clear way. In this method the functions are characterized in four different ways such as Primary (P), Necessary (N), Desirable (D), and Unnecessary (U).
Primary functions are the basic functions a product should have while necessary functions are those which a product must perform. Desirable are those function which a product supposed to have in order to make it more preferable .Unnecessary functions are not important functions a product should have but they can be extra features a product can contain.
All functions are summarized in the form of a table .First column tells about the function, second it type i.e. primary, necessary, desirable or unnecessary. Third column tell us about the limits/Uses. [30]

CAD Modeling

CAD modeling helps to visualize the product form in clearer way. A 3D modeling software is used in this technique. After the sketching phase a product is modeled in CAD software with exact size and proportion. CAD modeling is easy and quick way of visualizing lot of forms. No matter how much difficult the form is its can be easily modeled with this technique.

Design Selection matrix

A design selection matrix (Pugh chart or Pugh matrix) which help designer to compare different ideas with teach other in a systematically way. The alternative concepts which are obtained by brainstorming are compared with each other in the form of table. Different concepts are chosen and they are weighted on the basis of their properties. The score is given and the net score is calculated to find the best concept. A example of design selection matrix is shown below.

Physical prototyping

Physical prototyping help to visualize how the product will used or work before going into final version. Prototyping can be done in variety of ways. Sometime prototypes are made with the help of cardboard box by using some glue etc. 3D printing machine could also be possibly be used to make the prototype.
At early stages quick prototypes are done to see quick look or function of the product but after making few quick prototypes and testing them a final prototype can be made. Prototype also helps in the selection of the right material for manufacturing. At early stages the prototypes should not be criticize.
Physical prototyping are also effective way of communicating ideas to others. It’s the best of converting your ideas and thinking and explains to others. If the prototype is some kind of user wearing, it can also give user experience when it’s tested.
For example, if you want to make furniture, in the early stages it can be made by help of foam or card board with the help of hot glue and can be improved later by making it with wood and adding some mechanics if it involve some. Some fabrics can also be used on the surface after finding the right form.

Trial and error method

Trial and error method is a technique in which multiple chances and ways are tried at many time to find the right solution or possible close solution. For Trial and error method you first have to know the problem and then different possible ways are tried.
Trial and error is good tool for inventors as they can first imagine the idea and then after though trial and error they can find what they looking for. This method also help to selection for example if you want to selected best material it can be selected after trying different material and finally scan select the best one.
This method also helps to solve problems which are complex in nature and there are multiple chances to get there right solution. However, this technique is not good for problems which don’t five chances for multiple solutions. [33]

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Approach and Implementation

As discussed in the theoretical foundations, the product efficiency (Cp) can be further increased to quite good amount from 0.1 to 0.3 by improving the current drag blades or by changing the blade into one that uses both drag and lift force .This can help to design attractive and efficient form. To achieve the targets following steps have been taken which are described in the form of the design process. The design process consists of four main phases Research, Analyzing, Conceiving, Drafting and Developing & Optimizing.

Research and Analyzing

The first part of the process is to do the research which involves the gather of information about the product. Lot of parts of research has been mentioned in the earlier part of the report like the Theoretical background which explains the way of working of the product. No doubt engineering as well designing knowledge are required to make the product work in efficient manner however there are lot of other things which also have to be known in order to achieve the targets.
Different activities which are planned during the project can be found in the attachment “IKEA Project planning “

Market Analysis

Wind and sun energy is being used to generate energy for large scale production but not so many products can be found in the market which uses both energies to generate current and use it for outdoor decoration. Different product in the market uses solar energy and used in the garden for garden but mixing the sun energy with wind energy is quite new idea.

Defining target group

The IKEA vision is « To create a better everyday life for the many people. »
As IKEA products are for many people and attract people of different age groups. The product SOLVINDEN is used for people who have garden or have balcony to use the product. Product is attractive and looks fun so people of every age are attracted towards it.                            ¨

Technical demands

As the product is made of different components which assemble together to form a complete assembly, there dimensions are need to be known before replacing the part with some other new part. For example if the blades have to place by new blades they must fit into the product assembly ,here the technical requirements have to be known before start working .To solve this problem different assembly part were opened and there dimensions were noted down in order make something that’s fits exactly .If the blades are not according to the dimension they will exert pressure on the base and top plates of the product which will cause pressure on the bearing and results in hindrance in the rotation .

Environmental impact

The product has good environmental effect as it totally green as it is using the energy from the sun and wind. The LEDs used in the product also safes energy and are long lasting. By making such product available will help to make the environment safe. No doubt the energy produced by the product is very small but it’s a good step towards the energy saving and green future.
In future material such as liquid wood can be used replace some parts of the product like the blades.

Visit to Company

To gain knowledge about the wind turbine a meeting was arranged on 5th April with Ulf who’s the founder of Some conclusion was noted down after the meeting which can be summarized as under:
Adding many blades can help to start the rotation at low speed but they won’t be efficient as they will the limit the revolution of the product. Good ratio of solidity must be known which allow the product start immediately and also help to achieve good amount of RPM.
The solidity 34% can be a good ratio or a good solidity ratio must be searched for this product.
Adding some pattern on the surface , it can help in two way
Reduce noise ( like owl wings )
Create small vortex so air can be there for long
Wing profile mixture ,use Lift blades with the Drag blades
The blade with profile can be dangerous at high speed they can cut the things but it is possible to make profile in such way to control the rpm, not too much high also not so slow.
Check the old model and try to find right angle for the drag blades, the blades can arranged in more efficient angle.
Check fans for the research.
First stop working on the profile and get the drag blades working with more efficient way and then you can add profiles.
Taper [64] check whether it will help or not.
For lift blades the angle must be 90 degree with the surface in order to make them work.
Use thicker NACA profile at least 24% thickness.
Make straight blades it will be easier to start work and making progress toward the curved blades
Making the blades curved will help to start the lift blades without any push?
Make frame around the turbine to protect people possible?
Check the right place for the placement of the product. Placing the product at wrong place can results in not working of product.

Table of contents
Table of contents
2 Introduction 
3 Theoretical Background 
4 Method
5 Approach and Implementation
6 Result 
7 Conclusion and discussion 
8 References

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