Structuration Theory and Actor-Network Theory as Conceptual Frameworks for Analysis

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Chapter 1 introduced the thesis by briefly describing the implementation of Internet-based self-service technology as being problematic and formulated the research objectives and questions.

Research Methodology and Case Selection

Chapter 2 motivates the philosophical assumptions underpinning this research, as well as the research strategy and research approach followed. The reasons for selecting the healthcare insurance firm, data sources, units of analysis, data collection and analysis are discussed.

Literature Review

Chapter 3 presents an overview of the literature on IS implementation, specifically self-service technology implementation. It examines rational implementation theories such as innovation diffusion, theory of reasoned action, media choice theory, transaction cost theories, and other alternative social theories. This theoretical exploration then asserts the beliefs with which we should enter the research.

Structuration Theory and Actor-Network Theory as Conceptual

Frameworks for Analysis Building on the previous chapters, chapter 4 is devoted to describing the theoretical framework that guides the analysis of this research. Two distinct theoretical approaches that help tounderstand Internet-based self-service technology implementation are discussed: structuration theory and actornetwork theory. Their potential contributions and limitations are presented.

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Research Methodology and Case Selection
Chapter 3: Literature Review
Chapter 4: Structuration Theory and Actor-Network Theory as Conceptual Frameworks for Analysis
Chapter 5: Background to the Healthcare Insurance Context
Chapter 6: Empirical Investigation into the Implementation of an Internet-based Self-service Technology at a Healthcare Insurance Firm
Chapter 7: Interpretation of the Case Study: A Structuration Perspective
Chapter 8: Interpretation of the Case Study: An Actor-Network Theory Perspective
Chapter 9: A Four Perspective Framework for Understanding Internet based Self-service Technology Implementation
Chapter 10: Conclusions and Evaluation of Contribution

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Towards a conceptual framework for understanding the implementation of Internet-based self-service technology

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