Telepresence technologies applications in travel and tourism

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Actual use

As explained in the previous chapter, in TAM model for social media, the actual use of technology is shaped by the intention to use the technology, which is affected by trustworthiness. In order to understand the actual use of live streaming technology by the DMOs, the target group have been asked in the interviews about the way they are using it besides observing the archived broadcasts on their channel on Periscope app. In the following subsections, the actual use of the technology is explained for each organization and how it became affected by the other variables.

Visit Melbourne

Visit Melbourne has 13 broadcasts throughout the campaign period between November 2015 and June 2016. These broadcasts featured experiences and attractions from Melbourne’s and inner cityneighborhoods, as well as previews or behind the scenes access to a series of Melbourne events. Broadcasts also profiled Melbourne’s unique laneways and coffee culture and presented interviews with local influencers in the tourism industry.
Since the completion of the Play Melbourne Live campaign in June 2016, Visit Melbourne didn`t have anylive streaming activities and they didn`t usePeriscope as an ongoing social channel.
Nevertheless, VisitMelbourne mentioned that they have a social media team who plan their social media calendars to ensure their channels, across Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, these channels are updated daily. Live-streaming content via apps such as Periscope and Facebook Live may be used in the future on a more frequent basis. During the Play Melbourne Live campaign, the internal Tourism Victoria Melbourne Marketing team and the Social Media team managed the channel. They also worked with an external creative agency, Clemenger BBDO who helped them to engage a ‘host’ for their broadcasts. The host has facilitated each of their broadcasts and provided interesting conversations and interviews with organized talent.
By observing broadcasts in their channel, Visit Melbourne has one host, who is doing all the activities in front of the camera. Viewers call the host with his name, which means that he built relationship with them;he welcomes viewers and tackles activities in professional way. He holds interviews, interacts with viewers and he takes the community of viewers through experiences and participates in activities. Visit Melbourne do not announce events on their website, which makes them dependant on twitter and their Periscope fan base.

Visit NC

VisitNC has used Periscope in four different occasions, the first time was on March 27th 2015 and just one day after the lunch of Periscope. Visit NC has partnered with local DMOs across the state and organized one day campaign called VacationBig to virtually invite people to go around NorthCarolina in one day. The campaign schedule was posted on their website. VisitNC has also used Periscope in 3 other events NationalMuscDay which was live streamed by the social media manager from their ad agency, as well as NationalDogDay. Their last live streaming activity was at the month of April 2016, they broadcasted dozens of live streams of events during Carolina Craft Beer Month which was organized in collaboration with North Carolina Craft brewers’ guild and contracted with an agency to fulfil their purposes.
All of these occasions were planned in advanced internally within the live streaming team which consist of around 20-25 people, and some events were publicized via twitter posts while they were live and broadcasted. The team have all shared together the login credentials of the Periscope account. Visit NC have used the app in first person style, the live streamers didn`t show him/her self and only directing the camera towards a scenery or a person they are interviewing. They depend on the number of viewership and the activity of viewers to measure the success of their live streams

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Visit Philly

VisitPhilly has used Periscope in July and August, the idea was to host Philadelphia based people who were doing events with the democratic national convention, they have used Q&A style for 5 broadcasts series where they held interviews with creative leaders and organizers of the DNC event. The interview length ranges from 5 to 10 minutes and more depending on the guest.
The team who is working on that consists only of 3 people, one who is hosting the interviewees in front of the camera, one who is behind the camera, holding it and passing the questions that comes from the viewers via Periscope and other watching twitter’s feed and answer questions from audience. The host uses a microphone with the mobile phone to increase the quality of the voice, and when they have received complaints about the quality of the sound they have listened and changed the phone.
The 6th broadcast was also an interview with a Philadelphia based individual who was hosting an event and VisitPhillyhad the opportunity to showcase “what’s going on in Philadelphia“. All of these live streams were planned and publicized via twitter either when it’s live of sometime before.

 Destination BC

Destination British Columbia has chosen a specific time of a year when the FIFA world`s women cup (2015) was hosted in Vancouver, British Columbia.
Directly after the launch of the app, destination BC took the opportunity of holding a campaign while the city is hosting an international sport event.Destination BC took this opportunity to grab the football fans attention as well as international attention to promote sports and sightseeing that is worth visiting, their strategy was to increase their followers base on Periscope by targeting the audience of FiFA Women World Cup 2015, according to their case study on twitter.
The organization have planned this event and scheduled it on their website. The organizers have recruited local influencers to conduct the interviews and the broadcasting activities on the ground. Othersare supporting by monitoring the feeds and in particular questions from viewers “engaging with the viewers”. Destination BC has also organized this campaign together with their social media ad agency.

1. Introduction
1.2 Problem Definition
1.3 Purpose and research questions
1.4 Delimitations
1.5 Key Terms
2. Theoretical Framework 
2.1 Telepresence technologies applications in travel and tourism.
2.1 Video live streaming technology
2.3 Social media in travel and tourism fields
3. Research Methodology
3.1 Research Philosophy
3.3 Research strategy
3.5 Data collection .
3.6Data analysis
3.7 Quality Evaluation of research design
3. Analysis
4.1 Actual use .
4.2 Intention To Use
4.3 Building Communities LIVE: (critical mass)
4.3Perceived ease of use
4.5 Perceived usefulness
4.6 Capabilities .
4.8 Trustworthiness .
5. Discussion


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