The developmental model of perceiving discrimination and immigrant adolescents

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Moderator and mediators in the relationship between perceived discrimination and internalizing mental health outcomes

Within the literature that concerns the relationship between perceived discrimination and inter-nalizing mental health outcomes, there are several studies also measure possible moderating and/or mediating variables (Cristini et al., 2011; Schmitt et al., 2014). The studies measure possible moderating variables, look at how these variables affect the direction and/or strength of the relationship between perceived discrimination and internalizing mental health outcomes (Baron & Kenny, 1986). The studies measure possible mediating variables examine whether given variables account for the relation between perceived discrimination and internalizing mental health outcomes (Baron & Kenny, 1986). With analysis of moderation and mediation variables, researchers try to understand and explain the relationship between perceived discrim-ination and internalizing mental health outcomes also with an effort to find possible buffering and exacerbating effects.
According to the two different meta-analyses conducted by Pascoe and Smart Richman (2009), and Schmitt and colleagues (2014), the most commonly found moderating and mediat-ing variables within the relationship between perceived discrimination and mental health for immigrants are: social support (e.g. from family and/or friends), group identification, ethnic identity, coping strategies, personality variables, and acculturation either with own cultural background or larger society. Depending on the presence and/or different degree of exposures to these variables, they are found as either determining the strength or the direction of the rela-tionship, or explaining the relationship between perceived discrimination and mental health (Schmitt et al., 2014).


In light with all the information mentioned above, a literature review that synthesizes the current literature about the consequences of perceived discrimination on internalizing mental health outcomes for immigrant adolescents. Thus it can be utilized by psychologists, therapists, educators, social workers, and other people who are working with immigrant adolescents is needed. Therefore, the aim of this systematic literature review is to identify and discuss the findings of the existing studies that focus on the consequences of perceived discrimination on internalizing mental health outcomes for immigrant adolescents in OECD countries.

Research Question

In order to move toward this aim, the research question chosen to be answered is: what are the consequences of perceived discrimination on internalizing mental health outcomes for immi-grant adolescents in OECD countries?


A systematic literature review was performed in order to identify, synthesize and appraise rel-evant studies according to the aim of the current review. Summarization and analysis of the results were made (Jesson, Matheson, & Lacey, 2013). Furthermore, after identifying all rele-vant research for this particular systematic review, a selection process through inclusion and exclusion criteria was performed both in title and abstract, and in full text level. In addition, quality assessment of the studies, and data extraction was performed.

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Search procedure

The search was performed in the following five databases: PsycINFO, ERIC, Sociological Ab-stracts, MEDLINE and CINAHL. These databases integrate information from the fields of psy-chology, education, sociology, psychiatry, health services, and medicine. The database search for this systematic literature review was performed between 2 March 2017 and 5 March 2017. Detailed article search was conducted using the Thesaurus search tool in each database by using specific thesaurus search terms in order to identify the maximum amount of articles related to the aim of the current study. These search terms were chosen according to the research question and identified through the databases’ thesaurus engines during pre-search. Specific attention was given to search words as they would address the concepts of perceived discrimination, immigrant adolescents in OECD countries, and internalizing mental health outcomes. Exact search terms used in the databases are presented in Appendix A, Table 1, 2, and 3.

1 Introduction 
2 Theoretical Background
2.2 Defining perceived discrimination.
2.3 The developmental model of perceiving discrimination and immigrant adolescents
2.4 Perceived discrimination in immigrant adolescents and internalizing mental health outcomes
2.5 Aim
2.6 Research Question
3 Method 
3.1 Search procedure Inclusion and exclusion criteria
3.2 Selection procedure
3.3 Data Extraction
4 Results 
4.1 General information on the reviewed studies
4.2 Overview of participants
4.3 Overview of study variables
4.4 Perceived discrimination and internalizing mental health outcomes
4.5 Moderating and mediating variables
5 Discussion 
Perceived Discrimination and Immigrant Adolescents Idil Bilgin
5.1 Reflections on results related to other research  Parental support and adherence to traditional family values
5.2 Methodological issues and the limitations of the reviewed studies
5.3 Methodological issues and the limitations of the current systematic review
5.4 Recommendations for further research and practical fields
5.4.1 Recommendations for further research
5.4.2 Recommendations for practical fields
6 Conclusion

The consequences of perceived discrimination on internalizing mental health outcomes for immigrant adolescents in OECD countries

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