The Historic Theological Controversies within the Presbyterian Church

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The GAPJC of the UPCUSA Ruling in Anderson, et al. v. Synod of New Jersey. Administrative Case in 1962

In 1961, the Presbytery of New Brunswick of the UPCUSA received and enrolled Dr. J H Hick from the Presbyterian Church in England (UPCUSA Minutes 1962:316). In his statement, he did not deny or affirm his belief in the doctrine of the virgin birth of Jesus Christ. Rev. J C Henry and seventeen others filed complaints against the presbytery with the synod arguing that the presbytery was in error. The synod referred it to the Permanent Judicial Commission of the Synod of New Jersey (SPJC) (:317) who voted 8-3 to sustain the complaint and reverse the presbytery’s action (:318). Twelve ministers (Anderson et al) filed a complaint with the GAPJC regarding the SPJC’s ruling (:316). The GAPJC found many irregularities in the process and SPJC minutes, enough for a reversal of the decision. Regarding the complaint, they emphasised that it was regarding an action of a lower judicatory, not a judicial discipline against Hick. There were no charges against him. The GAPJC viewed the dispute in regard to the power of the presbytery under the Form of Government, Chapter XII, Section 7 to “. . . receive, dismiss, ordain, install, remove, and judge ministers” and the power “. . . to resolve questions of doctrine or discipline . . .” (UPCUSA Minutes 1962:319). The question under review was the extent to which the power of the presbyteries may be subject to review by either the synod or the General Assembly (:319-320). The GAPJC referenced cases from 1910, 1916, the Special Commission of 1925, and 1955 (UPCUSA Minutes 1962:320-324). In 1925, the licensing (not ordination) of two lay candidates, who did not affirm or deny the virginal birth, was reversed. Protests were filed and a Commission of Fifteen was formed, known as The Special Commission of 1925 (:320-321, PCUSA Minutes 1925:318-319). Its Report in 1927, regarding the presbyteries’ powers of licensure and ordination and the question of the “essential and necessary articles” of faith, was unanimously adopted (PCUSA Minutes 1927:319-331). The GAPJC felt the SPJC had misread, if not ignored, the report; thus, the decision of the SPJC could start a controversy, since it denied a major premise of the preliminary report, namely toleration (UPCUSA Minutes 1962:321, cf. PCUSA Minutes 1926:78). The Preamble to the Confessional Statement in 1925 also mentioned the principle of forbearance.

Scripture and Homosexuality

Ironically, the General Assembly already asserted in the previous section “we conclude that homosexuality is not God’s wish for humanity,” based on its beliefs, without looking at the Scriptures. This writer has seen the same pattern throughout the four decades of the gay and lesbian debate. Beuttler (1999), a staunch opponent of gay and lesbian ordination, asserts that decisions have been made based on polity and not theology. This writer encourages theological discussion, utilising the Scriptures and other sciences, to further the debate, rather than a battle over who controls the church polity. Once we earnestly struggle with the meaning of the so-called “homosexual” texts in their contexts, we can move forward in the debate. But as long as polity is decided and the Scriptures interpreted to support a specific polity view, which both the Presbyterian conservatives and liberals have been doing for decades, then we are stuck with polity decisions in which new interpretations and understanding of the Scriptures and insights from other sciences are ignored and sidelined. Only in a few instances over decades of overtures, requests, and recommendations sent to the General Assembly are Scripture or new insights referenced. When Scripture is used, usually by conservatives, it is mostly quoted verbatim from passages relating to same-gender sex acts, without any regard to the context in which the texts are found. The General Assembly’s study of Scripture was disappointing. It claimed that “. . . homosexuality is a contradiction of God’s wise and beautiful pattern for human sexual relationships revealed in Scripture . . .” (UPCUSA Minutes 1978:262). The problem is that there is not one clear-cut view in Scripture. Soon after the creation story, which is quoted next, we find the patriarchs and generations of Israelites having sex with their female slaves, concubines, prostitutes, sex in Levirate marriage, and polygamous sex with their wives. All were legitimate forms of sex acts in Ancient Israel practiced by the patriarchs and generations of Hebrew males. The Report used the Genesis creation story of procreation and the formation of family as the norm. Yet, one can have a meaningful life outside of marriage. Jesus chose to stay celibate and not to have a biological family

CHAPTER 1 Introduction
1.1 Aim of the Study
1.2 Reason for the Study
1.3 Hypothesis
1.4 Motivation and Goal
1.5 Research Methodology
1.6 Source Review
1.7 Study Sections
1.8 History of the PC(USA)
1.9 Terminology
1.10 Governing and Ordination Practices in the PC(USA)
1.11 Chapter Outline
CHAPTER 2 The Historic Theological Controversies within the Presbyterian Church
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The American Worldview Redefined
2.3 The Rights and Responsibilities of Governing Bodies
2.4 The Adopting Act of 1729
2.5 The Great Awakening and the Split in 1741
2.6 The Formation of a General Assembly
2.7 The New School-Old School Schism in the 1830s
2.8 The Briggs Case
2.9 The Revision of the Westminster Confession of Faith
2.10 The “Five Points or Fundamentals” of 1910
2.11 The Fundamentalist-Modernist Controversy in the 1920s
2.12 Membership Loss
2.13 The Interpretation of Scripture Policies
2.14 Reunions and Schisms
2.15 Latitude in Matters of Doctrine
2.16 Summary
CHAPTER 3 The History of the Polity of the Gay and Lesbian Ordination and/or Installation Debate in the United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. and the Presbyterian Church in the U.S. 1970 – 1983
3.1 Introduction
3.2 The GAPJC of the UPCUSA Ruling in Anderson, et al. v. Synod of New Jersey. Administrative Case in 1962
3.3 The 182nd General Assembly of the UPCUSA in 1970
3.4 The GAPJC of the UPCUSA Ruling in Maxwell v. Pittsburgh Presbytery. Remedial Case 1 in 1974
3.5 The 187th General Assembly of the UPCUSA in 1975
3.6 The 188th General Assembly of the UPCUSA in 1976
3.7 The 116th General Assembly of the PCUS in 1976
3.8 The 189th General Assembly of the UPCUSA in 1977
3.9 The GAPJC Ruling in Huie, et al. v. Synod of the Southeast. Complaint 21-1977 in 1977
3.10 The 117th General Assembly of the PCUS in 1977
3.11 The 118th General Assembly of the PCUS in 1978
3.12 The 190th General Assembly of the UPCUSA in 1978
3.13 The 119th General Assembly of the PCUS in 1979
3.14 The 1978 and 1979 “Definitive Guidance” and Authoritative Interpretation
3.15 The 191st General Assembly of the UPCUSA in 1979
3.16 The 192nd General Assembly of the UPCUSA in 1980
3.17 The 120th General Assembly of the PCUS in 1980
3.18 The GAPJC of the UPCUSA ruling in Rankin, et al. v. National Capital Union Presbytery. Remedial Case 193-10 in 1981
3.19 The 193rd General Assembly of the UPCUSA in 1981
3.20 The 194th General Assembly of the UPCUSA in 1982
3.21 The GAPJC of the PCUS Ruling in Hambrick v. PJC of the Synod of North Carolina. Complaint 1 in 1982
3.22 Summary of the Ordination Standards in 1983
CHAPTER 4 Special Organisations
4.1 Introduction
4.2 The History of Special Organisations
4.3 G-9.0600, the Book of Order
4.4 The Presbyterian Lay Committee
4.5 The Witherspoon Society
4.6 More Light Presbyterians
4.7 Presbyterians for Renewal
4.8 That All May Freely Serve
4.9 Showers of Stoles Project
4.10 OnebyOne
4.11 The Presbyterian Coalition
4.12 The Covenant Network of Presbyterians
4.13 Presbyterian Parents of Gays and Lesbians
4.14 Summary
CHAPTER 5 The History of the Polity of the Gay and Lesbian Ordination and/or Installation, and Same-Gender Blessing and Marriage Debates in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) 1983 – 2009
5.1 Introduction
5.2 The 195th General Assembly of the PC(USA) in 1983
5.3 The 196th General Assembly of the PC(USA) in 1984
5.4 The GAPJC Ruling in Union Presbyterian Church of Blasdell, et al. v. Presbytery of Western New York. Remedial Case 197-9 in
5.5 The GAPJC Ruling in Simmons, et al. v. Presbytery of Suwannee. Remedial Case 197-4 in 1985
5.6 The 197th General Assembly of the PC(USA) in 1985
5.7 The 198th General Assembly of the PC(USA) in 1986
5.8 The 199th General Assembly of the PC(USA) in 1987
5.9 The 200th General Assembly of the PC(USA) in 1988
5.10 The 201st General Assembly of the PC(USA) in 1989
5.11 The 202nd General Assembly of the PC(USA) in 1990
5.12 The 203rd General Assembly of the PC(USA) in 1991
5.13 The 204th General Assembly of the PC(USA) in 1992
5.14 The GAPJC Ruling in LeTourneau, et al. v. Presbytery of Twin Cities Area. Remedial Case 205-4 in 1992
5.15 The GAPJC Ruling in Sallade, et al. v. Presbytery of Genesee Valley. Remedial Case 205-5 in 1992
5.16 The GAPJC Ruling in Presbytery of West Jersey v. Synod of the Northeast. Remedial Case 205-15 in 1993
5.17 The 205th General Assembly of the PC(USA) in 1993
5.18 The GAPJC Ruling in Hope Presbyterian Church v. Central Presbyterian Church. Remedial Case 206-3 in 1993
5.19 The 206th General Assembly of the PC(USA) in 1994
5.20 The GAPJC Ruling in Session of Mount Auburn Presbyterian Church v. Presbytery of Cincinnati. Remedial Case 207-8 in 1995
5.21 The 207th General Assembly of the PC(USA) in 1995
5.22 The GAPJC Ruling in Session of Central Presbyterian Church of Huntington, NY v. Presbytery of Long Island. Remedial Case 208-4 in 1995
5.23 The 208th General Assembly of the PC(USA) in 1996
5.24 The 209th General Assembly of the PC(USA) in 1997
5.25 The PJC of the Synod of the Covenant Ruling in Riefle v. Session of John Knox Presbyterian Church. Remedial Case 96-1 in 1997
5.26 The 210th General Assembly of the PC(USA) in 1998
5.27 The GAPJC Ruling in Wier v. Session of Second Presbyterian Church of Fort Lauderdale, FL. Remedial Case 211-2 in 1998
5.28 The 211th General Assembly of the PC(USA) in 1999
5.29 The GAPJC Ruling in Benton, et al. v. Presbytery of Hudson River. Remedial Case 212-11 in 2000
5.30 The GAPJC Ruling in Sheldon, et al. v. Presbytery of West Jersey. Remedial Case 212-12 in 2000
5.31 The 212th General Assembly of the PC(USA) in 2000
5.32 The GAPJC Ruling in Session of Londonderry Presbyterian Church, et al. v. Presbytery of Northern New England. Remedial Case 213-2 in 2000
5.33 The 213th General Assembly of the PC(USA) in 2001
5.34 The GAPJC Ruling in Hair and McCallum v. Session of First Presbyterian Church of Stamford, CT. Remedial Case 214-1 in 2001
5.35 The GAPJC Ruling in Wier v. Session of Second Presbyterian Church of Fort Lauderdale, FL. Remedial Case 214-5 in 2002
5.36 The 214th General Assembly of the PC(USA) in 200
5.37 The GAPJC Ruling in Presbytery of San Joaquin v. PJC of the Synod of the Pacific and the Synod of the Pacific. Remedial Case 215-3 in 2002
5.38 The PJC of the Synod of South Atlantic Ruling in Blessing v. Session of First Presbyterian Church of Sebastian, FL. Remedial Case 02-01 in 2002
5.39 The GAPJC Ruling in McKittrick v. Session of the West End Presbyterian Church of Albany, NY. Remedial Case 215-5 in 2003
5.40 The GAPJC Rulings in Presbytery of San Joaquin v. Presbytery of the Redwoods, and Hart, et al. v. Presbytery of the Redwoods. Remedial Case 215-8 in 2003
5.41 The Investigating Committee of the Presbytery of Cincinnati in Jensen v. Porter. Disciplinary Complaint in 2003
5.42 The 215th General Assembly of the PC(USA) in 2003
5.43 The GAPJC Ruling in Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) by the Presbytery of Cincinnati v. Van Kuiken. Disciplinary Case 216-16 in 2004
5.44 The 216th General Assembly of the PC(USA) in 2004
5.45 The Investigating Committee of National Capital Presbytery in Jensen v. Andrews. Disciplinary Complaint in 2004
5.46 The Ordination of Ms. E Marlow in 2005
5.47 The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) through Mission Presbytery v. Rigby in 2005 and 2006
5.48 The GAPJC Ruling in Williamson v. Presbytery of Western North Carolina. Remedial Case 217-7 in 2005
5.49 The 217th General Assembly of the PC(USA) in 2006
5.50 The New Wineskins Association of Churches
5.51 The GAPJC Ruling in Session of Colonial Presbyterian Church in Kansas City, MO v. Session of Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church in Overland Park, KS. Remedial Case 218-01 (formerly 217-15) in 2006
5.52 The GAPJC Ruling in Stewart v. Mission Presbytery. Disciplinary Case 218-07 in 2007
5.53 The PJC of the Synod of the Pacific Ruling in Session of Davis Community Church, et al. v. Sacramento Presbytery. Remedial Case 06-03 in 2007
5.54 The Presbytery of Baltimore and Rev. D Stroud
5.55 Scruples Declared over G-6.0106b in 2007-2008
5.56 The GAPJC Ruling in Bush, et al. v. Presbytery of Pittsburgh. Remedial Case 218-10 in 2008  5.57 The GAPJC Ruling in Buescher, et al. v. Presbytery of Olympia. Remedial Case 218-9 in 2008 5.58 The GAPJC Ruling in Session of First Presbyterian Church of Washington, 1793, et al. v. Presbytery of Washington. Remedial Case 218-15 in 2008
5.59 The GAPJC Ruling in Spahr v. Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) through the Presbytery of Redwoods. Disciplinary Case 218-12 in 2008
5.60 The 218th General Assembly of the PC(USA) in 2008
5.61 The PJC of Pittsburgh Presbytery in The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) through Pittsburgh Presbytery v. Edwards. Disciplinary Case 2008-1 in 2008.
5.62 The GAPJC Ruling in Sundquist, et al. v. Heartland Presbytery. Remedial Case 219-03 (formerly 218-18) in 2008
5.63 Session of Bel Air Presbyterian Church, et al. v. Bove; Session of Bel Air Presbyterian Church, et al. v. Smith; Session of Bel Air Presbyterian Church, et al. v. Svendsen; and Session of Bel Air Presbyterian Church, et al. v. Vermaak. Disciplinary Complaints Filed with the Presbytery of the Pacific in 2008.
5.64 The GAPJC ruling in Bierschwale, et al. v. Presbytery of Twin Cities Area. Remedial Case 219-08 in 2009
5.65 The PJC of the Synod of the Pacific Ruling in Naegeli, et al v. Presbytery of San Francisco. Remedial Case 08-01 in 2009
5.66 Boston Presbytery v. Southard. Disciplinary Charge in 2009
5.67 Summary of the PC(USA) Polity from 1983 – 2009
CHAPTER 6 Summary, Alternatives, Conclusions, and Recommendations
6.1 Summary of the Gay and Lesbian Ordination and/or Installation Policy in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
6.2 Summary of the Same-Gender Blessing and Marriage Policy in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
6.3 Alternatives
6.4 Conclusions
6.5 Recommendations

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