The World is a Fragile Living Place and it holds the tendency of Domino effect

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It is very important to understand the changing global and domestic conditions and circumstances of the world, as discussed in chapter three and the authoritative power tools of modern world of networking as discussed in chapter four, the study of these both chapters may allow the better understanding of the successful reveals of Wiki leaks cables.
The Wiki leaks media organization has become operational in 2007 and somehow successfully managed to prove its identity as a biggest whistleblower of our times. Since that time it revealed many of the hidden secrets of international relationships among nations, roots and causes of wars, conspiracies, war crimes and the hidden political intentions of big empires against other states.
In his interview with Reuters (England), the co-founder of Wiki leaks Julian Assange accepted the role of the leaked cables in the political uprising of the African and Middle Eastern regions. According to him these leaks made it difficult for the West to continue its support of the long-standing regimes of Africa and Middle East.
According to Assange, facts released by Tunisian cables showed clearly that in the fight between the military and (President Zine al-Abidine) Ben Ali’s political regime, the US would probably support the military. The uprising made Tunisian president to leave his space right after a month of movement. Same happened with Egyptian politics when President Hosni Mubarak gave up within the few weeks of protests.
These are Assange words on the role of publications, “The cables were published, not just so that the people in those countries (Africa and Middle East) would know what was going on, because many of them already knew what was going on in great and grotesque detail, but rather so that it would not be possible for the West to stand up and support the (authoritarian leaders) ».9
Wiki Leaks is a not-for-profit media organization. It started working with a prime objective to provide important news and secret hidden information to the global societies. It provides an innovative, secure and anonymous technique to its secret supportive sources of information to leak information for organization’s team of journalist e.g. Wiki leaks organization’s electronic drop box facility. Organization attaches the original source documents within the publications of news stories to show the evidence of event to the readers.10
The organization holds the services of dedicated volunteers all around the globe, who are keen to develop and adopt new scientific techniques to reveal and publish secret information and news stories
It is a project of Sunshine press. It is hard to say that whether Wiki Leaks is working for any intelligence agency or government any of these reports yet to prove these rumors. According to the organization “Wiki Leaks is an independent global group of people with a long standing dedication to the idea of a free press and the improved transparency in society that comes from this. The group includes accredited journalists, software programmers, network engineers, mathematicians and others”.11
Since its birth Wiki Leaks has faced legal and political attacks planned by several agencies and governments, to stop it from publications, threats also received to the team of journalists to adopt policy of silence.
The basic principles on which organization’s work is based are the defense of freedom of speech and media publishing. Wiki leaks derive on the principles of the universal declaration of human rights Article 19, which states that everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.12
Wiki Leaks as a media organization released secret documents more than any other media or mass media organization in the world. It holds the record for not revealing its source. Though the organization faced many of the direct and indirect consequences by releasing such classified documents, but it managed to go through the legal allegations alleged by other organizations, multinational corporations and countries such as Pentagon, Chinese Public Security Bureau, former president of Kenya, Premier of Bermuda, Scientology, the Catholic & Mormon Church, largest Swiss private bank, and from the Russian corporations etc.
Wiki Leaks won awards twice since its birth, the Economist Index on censorship freedom of expression award in 2008 and then from Amnesty International human rights reporting award in 2009.

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1.1 Outline of the Essa
1.2 Aim of the Research
3.1 Modern World of Whistleblowers
3.2 The World is a Fragile Living Place and it holds the tendency of Domino effect
3.3 Modern Era Journalism 24 Hours Eyes on News
3.4 Enhancing Global Co-operations
4.1 Power Definition
4.2 Power Definition in Modern World of Networking
5.1 Organization’s operational methods
5.2 Verification process for received documents
5.3 Secrecy of sources .
5.4 List of Stories Broken by the organization
6.1 Middle Eastern Politics
6.2 Effects on EU politics .
6.3 Domestic Politics of South East Asia

The changing global domestic political conditions and the role of media organization Wiki Leaks to shape these conditions

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