Uses and Users of Financial Statement

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CHAPTER THREE Research Design

A research design is simply the framework or plan for the study, which is used as the modus operandi of collecting pertinent data.
In this study, the quasi-experimental design is adopted with particular concentration on the descriptive method. This is preferred to others given the nature of the study, which is an exposition of selected companies with respect to the effect of financial statement analysis and interpretation as a tool for management decision and corporate performance evaluation.

Sources and Method of Data Collection

The main sources and methods of data collection used in the study are:

  1. Primary source and
  2. Secondary source

The primary source of data is the questionnaire and personal interview while the secondary sources include: textbooks, journal and opinions of experts on the subject.
The secondary source provide the theoretical framework for the study.

Research Instrument

A research instrument is any device constructed for recording of measuring data. It is the means for generating pertinent information to be used for solving the research problems (Olakunori 1997) therefore, in order to obtain valuable data for analysis, interpretations and appreciation of problems aforementioned, a set of questionnaire was designed and administered to employees of NUPAS Ltd.
The choice of questionnaire as research instrument for this study was based on the fact that, it permits the coverage of minimum expenses both in money and effort.
Again, because of greater impersonality attached to questionnaires, more objective data were obtainable in the set of questionnaire structured questions, multiple choice (close-ended) questions and open ended questions were used.

Reliability/Validity of Research Instrument

In order to forestall measurement errors, which occur when the research instrument is faulty, the reliability of the research instrument was ensured through its careful construction and pretest. Pretest was done by conducting a pilot survey, where in the research instruments (questionnaire) where administered to apart (sample) of the population with a new to finding possible fault and thereafter, correction than before the full application of main sample for the study.
Population here refers to the totality of targeted individuals that form the focus of this study. The objectives of the data collection process is to draw conclusions about the population. It is therefore imperative to have a clear picture of what constitutes the research population.
The population for this study consist of employees drawn from some vital departments or section of workers of the NUPAS Ltd.
Sample Size and Technique
According to Egbu (1998), sampling involves the selection of a number of study units from a defined study population.
A sample is therefore, a small representatives of a large population. In drawing a small sample for the study, the researcher considered how many people that are needed in the sample and their category first to be selected.
A sample size used is forty-four (44) staff selected from NUPAS Ltd using the formular by yaro yemmen method (1967) the sample size of the population is 44 and the researcher issue the same number of questionnaire to the staff of NUPAS Ltd, to the responses in this study.
The sampling technique used in this study is the probability sampling. Probability sampling can be simple random, or stratified random. The simple random sampling allows for generalization to take place.
Administration of Research Instrument
The questionnaire were administered through hand delivery to the selected respondents with explicit explanation followed where necessary. The researcher make sure that each section gets the complete number of questionnaire allocated in each section were systematically selected
On questionnaire retrieval method, the researcher either waited for the questionnaire to be given a date to come for the collection of Respondent. All was to ensure appreciable return with reliable information.
Method of Data Analysis
The researcher used the descriptive statistical tools (Tables, figure and percentages) in preparing and analyzing the data generated from this study.
Again the researcher used the chi-square (X2) in testing the formulated hypothesis and correlation co-efficient in testing the relationship among variables. The chi-square (X2) distribution which can be defined as the sum of ratio of difference between observed and expected frequency is used when it wished to compare an actual observed distribution with a hypothesized or expected distribution and to measure the degree of deviation that exist between a calculated value and the critical value (table value).
The responses were represented in table while percentages were used to analyze each question contained in the questionnaire and its responses.

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Title page 
Approval page 
Table of content 
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Statement of Problem
1.3 Objectives of the Study
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Hypotheses of the Study
1.6 Significance of the Study
1.7 Scope of the Study
1.8 Limitation of the Study
1.9 Definition of Terms
2.1 Introduction
2.2 What is Financial Statement?
2.3 Uses and Users of Financial Statement
2.4 Classification of Financial Statement
2.5 Relationship among the Statement of Financial Position, Income Statement, Statement of cash Flows and Statement of Retained Earnings
2.6 Techniques and financial Statement Analysis and Interpretation
2.7 Definition of Ratio
2.8 Types and Classification
2.9 Nature of Accounting Ratios
2.10 Uses of Ratio in Analyzing Financial Statement
2.11 Limitations of Financial Statement Analysis
2.12 Use of Different Accounting Principles
2.13 Industry Affiliation
2.14 Accounting Differences Between Countries
2.15 The Impact of Inflation of Financial Statement Analysis
2.16 Features of a Good Management Decision Technique
2.17 Environment of Management Decision Making
Chapter Three
3.1 Research Design
3.2 Sources and Method of Data Collection
3.3 Research Instrument
3.4 Reliability/Validity of Research Instrument
3.5 Population
3.6 Sample size and Technique
3.7 Administration of Research Instrument
3.8 Method of Data Analysis
3.9 Decision Criteria for Validation of Hypothesis
4.1 Data Presentation
4.2 Analysis of Question
4.3 Test of Hypothesis
5.1 Summary of Findings
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendations

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