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Preliminary Remarks
Since they first started to use stone tools, humans have been dependent on mineral resources contained in or on the earth. This dependence has increased as we have evolved to our present industrialized status, to the point today where our livelihood is utterly dependent on mining. However, mining cannot be sustainable because the deposit is finite and is eventually exhausted.
Global Environmental Impact of Nuclear Plants
Nuclear plants, nuclear waste, and nuclear weapons raise substantial public concern in the current world. In particular, many risky decisions regarding nuclear plants may impose serious risks on future generations that require a different kind of consideration of the danger to people living today.
Climate Change from GHGs Emissions.
The climate change is just one indicator of the threats we face as a rigorous alarm from the Creator, God of grace. It is obviously our urgent duty to heal the climate change caused by human beings. Ironically, climate change accompanied with disasters is more unfavourable to the socioeconomically weak, who are usually lessresponsible for the advent of climate change and have less ability to cope with the impact of climate change. In particular, most of Africa would be hit the hardest if climate change continues in its current course.
Christian Insights and Perspectives
With such grave concerns about the environmental impact of energy and mineral development, we are challenged by the urgent task of coming to grips with root issues. Dealing with superficial symptoms will not be sufficient. Getting to root issues will turn out to be an absorbing theological discussion. Restoring, even reinterpreting biblical doctrines will help the Church to face the challenge as God’s people. Theology is not merely for our academic indulgence but a motivation for actions.
I. Introduction
1.1. Preliminary Remarks
1.1.1. Worldwide/Global Environmental Impact of Mining Activities
1.1.2. Global Environmental Impact of Nuclear Plants
1.1.3. Climate Change from GHGs Emissions
1.1.4. Advanced Countries and Developing Countries
1.1.5. Christian Insights and Perspectives
1.2. Environmental Impact of Energy and Mineral Development in Korea
1.2.1. Pollution from Closed Mines
1.2.2. Pollution from Limestone and Coal Mines
1.2.3. Management of Nuclear Waste and Accidents
1.2.4. Overseas Energy and Mineral Development Policy
1.2.5. GHG Emission Control for Climate Change
1.3. Environmental Negligence of Korean Churches
1.4. Research Problem
1.5. Theological Foundation for Sustainable Development of Energy and Mineral Resources
1.5.1. The Holistic Mission of Jesus Christ
1.5.2. The Holy Spirit of Creation and Salvation
1.5.3. Sustainable Development by the Will of the Creator
1.5.4. The Fulfillment of Eco-Justice Stewardship
1.5.5. Christian Right and Duty in Jesus Christ
1.6. Background of Thesis
1.6.1. Main Point of Departure
1.6.2. Research Objectives
1.6.3. Research Motivation
1.6.4. Research Method
1.7. Outline of Thesis
1.7.1. Chapter I: Introduction
1.7.2. Chapter II: World Development Trends regarding Energy and Mineral Resources
1.7.3. Chapter III: Environmental Impact from Mining Activities and Nuclear Plants
1.7.4. Chapter IV: Environmental Impact from Mining Activities and Nuclear Plants in Korea
1.7.5. Chapter V: Inadequate Environmental Involvement of Korean Churches
1.7.6. Chapter VI: A New Concept of Sustainable Development of Energy and Mineral Resources in accordance with the Will of God
1.7.7. Chapter VII: Theological Framework for Biblical Sustainable Development of Nuclear Plants and Mineral Resources
1.7.8. Chapter VIII: Evaluations and Directions of Korean Churches regarding Biblical Sustainable Development of Energy and Mineral Resources
1.7.9. Chapter IX: Summary, Critical Findings (Conclusion), and Recommendation
2. World Development Trends regarding Energy and Mineral Resources
2.1. Characteristics of Energy and Mineral Resources
2.1.1. Development
2.1.2. Demand
2.1.3. Production
2.1.4. Reserves
2.1.5. Environmental Impact
2.1.6. Unsustainability
2.1.7. Terrestrial Industry
2.2. Demand-Supply Trends of Energy and Mineral Resources
2.2.1. Energy Minerals
2.2.2. Ferrous Metallic Minerals
2.2.3. Non-Ferrous Metallic Minerals
2.2.4. Precious Minerals
2.2.5. Industrial Minerals
2.3. World Trends in Mining Policy
2.3.1. Growing Inequality
2.3.2. Advanced Countries
2.3.3. Developing Countries
3. Environmental Impact from Mining Activities and Nuclear Plants
3.1. Environmental Impact from Mining Activities
3.1.1. Pollution from Extracting Mineral Resources
3.1.2. Pollution from Extracting Fossil Fuels
3.1.3. Damage from Extracting Heavy Metals
3.1.4. Environmental Impact from Small-Scale Mining
3.1.5. Damage from Closed Mines
3.2. Climate Change from Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) Emission
3.2.1. Causes of Climate Change
3.2.2. Emission of Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
3.2.3. Impact of Climate Change
3.2.4. The Kyoto Protocol
3.3. Environmental Impact from Nuclear Plants
3.3.1. Concern from Nuclear Power Plants
3.3.2. Management of Nuclear Waste
3.3.3. Issue of Inter-Generational Equity
4. Environmental Impact from Mining Activities and Nuclear Plants in Korea
4.1. Korean Political and Economic Context
4.1.1. Economic Growth Trends
4.1.2. Demand for Energy and Mineral Resources
4.1.3. Hot Political Issue
4.2. Mining Situation of South Korea
4.2.1. Historical Summary of Mining Industry
4.2.2. Register Trends of Mining Areas
4.2.3. Operation Situation of Mines
4.3. Energy Minerals
4.3.1. Demand and Supply
4.3.2. Major Energy Minerals
4.3.3. Electricity
4.4. Metallic and Non-metallic Minerals
4.4.1. Demand
4.4.2. Production
4.4.3. Reserves
4.4.4. Imports and Exports
4.4.5. Major Metallic Minerals
4.4.6. Non-Metallic Minerals
4.5. Nuclear Power Plants
4.5.1. Facilities
4.5.2. Uranium Demand
4.5.3. Nuclear Waste Treatment
4.6. Overseas Energy and Mineral Development Policy
4.6.1. Developing Trends
4.6.2. Performing Result
4.6.3. New Development Policy
4.7. Environmental Impact from Mining Activities in Korea
4.7.1. The Current Situation of Mine Hazards
4.7.2. Acid Mine Drainage
4.7.3. Mine Tailings
4.7.4. Soil Contamination
4.7.5. Mine Subsidence
4.7.6. Pollution from Limestone and Coal Mines
4.7.7. Pollution from Asbestos Mines
4.7.8. Pollution from Oil Refining Plants
4.7.9. Pollution from Oil Leakage
4.7.10. Pollution from Copper and Zinc Smelting and Refinery Plants
4.7.11. Some Case Studies of Mining Pollution
4.8. Climate Change from Emission of CO2 in Korea
4.8.1. Environmental Progress
4.8.2. Environmental Challenges
4.8.3. Emission Control of CO2
4.9. Environmental Impact from Nuclear Power Plants in Kore
4.9.1. Nuclear Plant Technology
4.9.2. Nuclear Waste Treatment
4.9.3. Plant-building Plan
5. Inadequate Environmental Involvement of Korean Churches
5.1. Korean Religious Context
5.1.1. Shamanism
5.1.2. Buddhism
5.1.3. Confucianism
5.1.4. The Catholic Church
5.1.5. The Protestant Churches
5.1.6. Western Missionary Activities in Korea
5.2. Contributing Factors to the Rapid Growth of Korean Churches
5.2.1. Prayer Movement
5.2.2. Evangelistic Movement
5.2.3. Revival Movement
5.2.4. Bible Study
5.2.5. Passion of Pastor
5.2.6. Dedication of Laity
5.3. Leadership Pathologies in Korean Churches
5.3.1. Secularized Leadership
5.3.2. Church-centered Leadership
5.3.3. Authoritarian Leadership
5.4. Environmental Activities of Korean Secular Organizations (NGOs)
5.4.1. Environmental Movements under the Military Government
5.4.2. Environmental Movements after the Military Government
5.5. Environmental Movements of Korean Churches
5.5.1. Environmental Movements of Korean Catholic Churches
5.5.2. Environmental Movements of Korean Protestant Churches
5.6. Environmental Movement Infrastructure of Korean Churches
5.6.1. The Size and Finances of Religious Environmental Organizations
5.6.2. Environmental Activities of Religious Environmental Organizations
6. A New Concept of Sustainable Development of Energy and Mineral Resources in accordance with the Will of God
6.1. Controversial Concept of Sustainable Development
6.1.1. Origin of Sustainable Development
6.1.2. Scheme of Sustainable Development
6.1.3. Systematic Approach to Sustainable Development
6.1.4. Carrying Capacity of the Earth
6.1.5. Sustainable Development Timeline
6.1.6. Criticism on Sustainable Development
6.2. Competitive Views on Social and Environmental Future
6.2.1. A Future without Limits: Cornucopia
6.2.2. A Future with Limits: Outbreak-Crash
6.2.3. Evidence for Cornucopian or Finite Future
6.2.4. Grand-debating Reasons for the Same Future
6.3. Fundamental Roots of Environmental Degradation
6.3.1. Fall of Man (Gen. 2:1-6)
6.3.2. Human Greed
6.3.3. Anthropocentrism
6.3.4. Limited Carrying Capacity of the Earth
6.3.5. The Second Law of Thermodynamics
6.3.6. Economic Growth Mania
6.3.7. Consumerism (Consuming Paradise)
6.3.8. Maldistribution
6.3.9. Population
6.3.10. Risks of Nuclear Plants
6.3.11. Marketing Price
6.4. Biblically Based Proposition for Sustainable Development
6.4.1. The Earth is the Lord’s
6.4.2. Human Role of Imaged God
6.4.3. Relationship between Humans and Nature
6.4.4. The Creation was a Mirror of Human Hearts
6.4.5. Environmental Crisis from Sinful Hearts
6.4.6. Lifestyle with the Image of Christ
6.4.7. Responsibility for Ecological Integrity
6.5. Biblical Sustainable Development in accordance with the Will of God
6.5.1. New Definition of Sustainable Development in accordance with the Will of God
6.5.2. Biblical Sustainable Development in the Mining Context
7. A Theological Framework for Biblical Sustainable Development of Energy and Mineral Resources
7.1. Theological Perspectives for the Biblical Sustainable Development
7.1.1. Understanding of Creation for Ecological Integrity
7.1.2. Christian Faith for Ecological Integrity
7.1.3. Christian Responsibility for Ecological Integrity
7.1.4. Practical Obstacle for Ecological Integrity
7.2. Practical Guidelines for Individuals regarding Biblical Sustainable Development
7.2.1. Practical Guideline on Attitude
7.2.2. Motivation for Practical Guidelines
7.2.3. Lifestyle Change is Needed
7.3. Practical Guidelines for Churches regarding Biblical Sustainable Development
7.3.1. The Church’s Status in the Environmental Crisis
7.3.2. The Church in Action for Biblical Sustainable Development
7.4. Initiatives for Biblical Sustainable Development regarding Global Economic System
7.4.1. Economic Development in Advanced Countries
7.4.2. Nuclear Plants without Considering Future Generations
7.4.3. Mineral Development beyond Planetary Carrying Capacity
7.4.4. Legal Scheme for Mining Industry
7.4.5. Climate Change from GHGs Emissions
7.4.6. Free Market System and Social Responsibility
7.4.7. Social Responsibility of Multinational Corporations
7.4.8. Internalizing of External Costs
7.4.9. Economic Injustice
7.4.10. Population and Consumption
7.4.11. Environmental Justice (Eco-Justice)
7.4.12. Sabbatical Year for Ecological Integrity
7.4.13. Global Network for International Alliance
8. Evaluation of Environmental Involvement of Korean Churches regarding Biblical Sustainable Development of Energy and Mineral Resources
8.1. Evaluation of Environmental Initiatives of Korean Churches
8.1.1. Bad Theological Habits of Korean Churches
8.1.2. Bad Ecclesiastical Traditions of Korean Churches
8.1.3. Poor Environmental Activities of Korean Churches
8.2. Evaluation of Korean Energy Regimes and Mining Policy
8.2.1. Evaluation of Energy Policy in Korea
8.2.2. Evaluation of Nuclear Power Policy
8.2.3. Evaluation of Mining Policy
8.3. Guidelines for Biblical Sustainable Society in accordance with the Will of God
8.3.1. Directions for Individuals regarding Biblical Sustainable Development
8.3.2. Guidelines for Korean Churches regarding Biblical Sustainable Development
8.3.3. Directions for the Korean Government regarding Biblical Sustainable Development
9. Summary, A Critical Findings and Recommendations
9.1. Comprehensive Summary
9.2. A List of Critical Findings (Conclusions)
9.3. Recommendations
9.3.1. Control of GHGs Emission for Climate Change
9.3.2. Conduct Codes of TNCs for Biblical Sustainable Development